The IPMSolutions.net: Barcode-Integrated Pest Management System, is a fresh, innovative approach to controlling and monitoring the most critical phase of your integrated pest management field operations. In the following guide, you will learn first-hand how IPMSolutions.net's IPM Barcoding system can transform your company into a dependable and efficient pest control company. With our field-proven IPM Barcode system, you can easily control and monitor your field operations with unprecedented level of precision. Created by pest control experts and based on the requirements of the top pest control operations in the country, IPMSolutions.net can become one of the most powerful tools in a pest management company's arsenal.
Admin Page
The admin page can be accessed from any location that has internet connectivity. The system is designed to help manage current customer information, upload daily activities, such as findings, treatments, materials used, and recommendations. Generate monitoring analysis and over 30 different types of reports, and rest easy knowing that you are making informed decisions based on dependable data.
Company Information
Input your company information and logo to appear on your site as well as the reports you send out to your clients.
Properties (Customer Info.)
Keep track of inspection sites by inputting code #, name(business, manager), address, phone/FAX number, memo(internal, external) and location information.
Map Report
Clients Login Reports
Give your customers access to their inspection information by adding their e-mail addresses to their corresponding customer file pages. They are given their own set of login information, which they can use to access inspection information for their home or business.
Setup Codes
In addition to the list of codes for contingencies already standard to IPM operations, the admin panel also allows for custom codes in addition to the existing that already ship with the software. Set custom codes for findings and recommendations, technicians, material, quantity, area, whatever you can imagine, and the system will prepare a barcoded version ready to use with our scanner.
Generate over 30 different types of reports to keep in the system, print, or e-mail out to your customers: Location Report, Location Drawings, Barcode Number Report, Missed Report, Activity Report, Activity Report Graph, Treatment Report, Time In/Out Report, Summary Report, Service Summary Report, etc.
The comprehensive IPMSolutions.net package comes at an affordable price: $600 one-time set-up fee, which includes one portable laser scanner, 500 weather-proof barcode labels, unlimited access to Tier-1 webserver, and 30 days unlimited training and support. At the end of the month, the monthly subscription is a mere $50 a month for up to 500 active labels. Pay as you go - no annual contracts required.